Compare historical foreign exchange rates for euro exchange rate graph up to five currencies, as either a currency graph or exchange rate table. Choose Bid or Ask rates.
Prior to euro adoption these are historical series, and following euro adoption these are pseudo rates imputed by applying the euro locking rate to the current euro exchange .
Apr - 2012; Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun : 1 : 2 euro exchange rate graph 24.773: 3 24.621: 4 24.595: 5 24.704: 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 24.795: 11 24.823: 12 24.803: 13 24.750: 14 : 15 : 16 24.789: 17 24.799 .
Apr - 2012; Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun : 1 : 2 0.83105: 3 0.83255: 4 0.82850: 5 0.82420: 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 0.82690: 11 0.82595: 12 0.82470: 13 0.82480: 14 : 15 : 16 0.82270 .
1 EUR= ? USD 60 day graph 180 day graph 360 day graph
The mechanism that drives Euro exchange rates is called ERM (European Exchange Rate Mechanism). It is basically a system brought forward in Mar 1979, by European Community. It .
1 EUR= ? USD 60 Tage Grafik 180 Tage Grafik 360 Tage Grafik
Free Monthly forex charts on US Dollar - Euro(EURUSD). . Graph Gallery . BONDS & RATES : INTEREST RATES: GER YIELDS : Yield since 2000
Euro Exchange Rate Graph - Australian Dollar - Historical Exchange Rates - interesting configurable exchange rate graph. (Today the rates are good.
View a Currency Exchange Rate Graph for British Pound, United Kingdom vs Euro. This currency graph will show you your currency pairs previous performance
Apr - 2012; Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun : 1 : 2 1.3319: 3 1.3315: 4 1.3142: 5 1.3068: 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 1.3114: 11 1.3131: 12 1.3153: 13 1.3148: 14 : 15 : 16 1.3024: 17 1.3132 .
View a Currency Exchange Rate Graph for Euro, Euro vs American Dollar. This currency graph will show you your
currency pairs previous performance
Foreign Exchange Rates Live . Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable .
Euro Exchange Rate - Euro Currency Page - EUR - Exchange Rates UK . Graph: 0: BYR EUR: Euro: British Pound: 0.816: EUR GBP: Table: Graph: 1.226: GBP EUR: Euro: Bulgarian Lev
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